29 7月 2013


(Real day of post: 20日6月2013年, a las 15:56ぽい)

    Why is it that Iiiiiii am the one to do stupid stuff that gets me embarrassed?!?!! 

    And also. I think parts of me are still very shy. I feel like my younger self again. Like when I see a hot guy and I just say . . .nothing. XD That is what I used to be like. Now I just talk to anyone.

    So far the 2 days of lab class, the guy sitting next to me keeps asking "how do i do this? how do i do that again? do you remember how to do this?". You know, about the Final Cut Pro program. I really don't mind actually. And I was asking another guy across the room about freesound.org (i wanted to add funny sounds to the video editing) and he was really friendly about it. Although afterwards I just kept asking Choi (teacher) of other certain things. The guy across the room, his major is game animation. There's also the girl behind me who is easy to talk to, and the guy in front seems friendly. I only was able to talk to him after class was done, since 3 of us stayed behind to work longer on the project.

    It requires a LOT more editing than the first project but I really want to do it. I just wished I had the program at home so I can spend more time on it! ! !

    And I learned Im the oldest one in this class. . . >_<       

    UGH! I now understand what Choi was saying though. About how people who are from the suburbs are "comfortable". As in, they are in their comfort bubble and they want nothing different. I thought that was just my 'friend'. I didn't realize that applied to many suburb-people. That is just so . . .めんどくさいとつまんないよ!。This one girl just told me "i wish i could visit you in chicago".

Me: well i still live in the suburbs. it's not like i'm always in chicago.
Her: oh, which suburb do you live in?
Me: ***
Her: Me too. lol. hahahahh
Me: there ya go :P
Her: Yea, so what are you up to for this summer?
Me: i'm taking a summer class and then self studying and relaxing. how about u?
Her: me? 1. working at Goodwill 2. Maybe going to Iowa to visit niece and her family 3. Maybe hanging out with friends and visiting Chicago with my family.
Me: well chicago is just a train ride away. shouldn't be that inconvenient
Her: actually we drove to Chicago, not train. lol
Me: thats fine too. just have to pay for parking
Her: yea, we do pay for parking. when we get to Chicago.
       Hello? lol
Me: ( was kinda bored a bit from the conversation. seems like she is also in a "comfort bubble")
      still here ^^
Her: lol. my 2013 summer sounds busy/fun little bit of boring.

    After that I just said cool but honestly didn't really pay much attention to the conversation since she said "just wanted to talk to you while i am watching this drama". And how do you "maybe" hang out with friends ?!?!?!!! Anyone can make time for friends. If friends are not a priority you will find yourself alone!. Meaning again , bored. >__> jajaja i really should be less nice. . .

    And I was talking to Tram and we both agreed that there are many americans that talk to you mostly because they want something, or want to ask something. I told her there are many like that in Chicago/Illinois area, but it really depends where you are. Sometimes I find that they even talk to you because they are bored and not because they actually want to talk to you. :P Yes it really hurt at first but I'm over it. I really don't give a shit of those people. I'll devote my time to meet new and different people. ^^ If I happen to find someone within these lines, then just fuckin ignore them and move on right?

    Thought 1: why is it that whenever I like someone they aren't here dammit?!!!! (o  3o) That or they are leaving soon or too far away. So annoying!

    Thought 2: loosing more weight. I'm slowly getting back to my size that i was in Kyoto. Show my sexy self! Well it's really for me to feel good about myself and knowing that I feel attractive. It's all in your attitude. When I feel good about myself I am even less nervous talking to total stranger or hot guy, and just like myself. ^^ 

    I've seen many people from my high school that have gained weight, and I keep telling myself regardless if its from graduation or something else, I will never be over the limit that I put myself on. No way! Plus I like getting cute clothes. If I gain too much, they wont fit the same. XD Yes I can totally disguise my nerdy self, and no one suspects it until I pull out my PSP or some shit.

    Thought 3: went running today but chose the wrong time to do it. Towards middle of the day. I couldn't finish it or run it completely. The heat AND running got to me. I came home and plopped on the sofa. I just couldn't do it. I was super hot and super exhausted. Turned on habanico. and layed down for a bit to cool off. I also didn't finish running the same way back. I took a shortcut. 
    Now I know that I need to do this early in the morning or late in the day. Now I know how that one guy from the marathon felt when he was laying on the grass for a good hour or so! That was a hot day!

    And my time is getting much better but by 3km i was feeling that heat! I'm surprised that my numbers is rising to around 6 minutes per km.     Thought 4: I wonder when I will have time to finish Rune Factory Frontier and Epic Mickey 2. I like Rune Factory but this RPG one is just so long! XD I really don't like relearning a game to then put it away because of studies, and relearn it and put away, etc etc.

    Thought 5: I want Okonomiyaki!!!! NOW!!!! Someone cook me one. TT_TT I need to get on a plain asap, go to Japan and eat like 30 okonomiyaki. jajajaja and some really really good curry! ! ! Can you tell? I'm really hungry right now. XD 

    It would be perfect if i could eat this at the beach! Just give me a towel, a fork, napkins, bathing suit, sunblock, amaca, and i'm good to go!

    Thought 6: Saw this today. It was very funny. ^^

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