05 6月 2013


(Real day of post: 30日5月2013年, a las 9:39)

    Sometimes if A or the other A text me, I'll read their message but i wont reply cuz i dont want to talk to them/have nothing to say/or find them boring. But in one of their cases its because he annoys me and i dont need to put time into a person like him. He doesn't even have the right to kiss my ass. The other is just in her own bubble that i've tried to expand many times, but she still wont get out of it! 

    Other times it just means i'm busy, but if it's a simple hello or simple question i'll just answer it then and there to get it over with. Honestly that hurt a little. To know that someone read my message and didn't comment back or text back (whichever you wanna call it). So i think it's time for me to delete that contact from my head. I realize that i have moved slowly to this thought, yes. Even if i think they could definitely help in something, i wont tell them about it. Or if something happens in my life, there is no need to talk about it with them. Silence is golden right?! It can tell you so much. Both good and bad. . . I'll just give silence back. し〜〜〜〜〜〜〜ん


Here is what Michael wrote on our sandwhiches yesterday: 

mine says 'extra pickles'. jose's says 'extra swiss, extra pickles'.   

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