12 6月 2013


(Real day of post: 8日6月2013年, a las 9:47ぽい)

    I really like these questions someone sent me. On top of that they told me to think of the negative side of this person.:

  1. Why should I waste my time on someone who doesn't care and isn't willing to spend their time on me?
  2. Why should I waste my emotions on someone who doesn't reciprocate?
  3. Why should I waste my tears crying over someone who will never know, never care and wouldn't care?
  4. Why should I subject my heart to such pain over someone who doesn't give a damn about me?
  5. Why should I put myself through such torture of missing them, thinking about them, caring about them, loving them and gain nothing of that sort in return?
  6. Why should I get depressed over a person who can ruin my chances of meeting potential BETTER people?



    For some reason i've had this terrible headache for a while. Not really headache. More like . . . dizzy? Like, if i move to suddenly i get dizzy and that feeling of heaviness. I drank alot of water already. Maybe i over exerted myself earlier today in the run training. My time is getting better!


    That dizzy feeling i talked about? got worse. trying to lay down but everything is spinning. threw up twice now.

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