(Real day of post: 29日5月2013年, a las 00:35)
I was looking up what title to call my script and I decided on 懐かしい将来の思いで meaning memories of a nostalgic future. the first word (natsukashii) is a bit hard to translate into english, so 'nostalgic' is what i can think of at the moment. but you ask, how can you have memories from the future let alone nostalgic memories of the future if it hasn't happened yet?
Well i guess ill just have to finish the script for you to figure that out. :)
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
懐かしい:dear, desired, missed
一般にはいろいろなことを思い出すのだから複数形memoriesを使う。比較的まれだが、特定の一つの記憶を話題にするならbring back a memoryとも言える。
I'll cherish the sweet memories deep in my heart forever.〔別れに際しての挨拶。〕
have a nostalgic feel
have fond memories of
have many fond memories of
Five years have passed since then and we can think back to those days with fond memories.
■Leandro Rogerio Fujii (Brazil) Shima Morimoto (Japan)(レアンドロ ホジェリオ フジイ(ブラジル)森本 志麻(日本))
We got to know each other when Leandro was 16 years old and I was 17 years old.(彼が16歳、私が17歳のときに、働いていた工場で知り合いました。)
In those days we had a hard time, because he could not understand Japanese and I could not understand Portuguese.(その当時の私たちは、お互いに日本語、ポルトガル語が全く分からなかったので大変でした。)
Five years have passed since then and we can think back to those days with fond memories.(あれから5年、今ではその頃がとても懐かしいです。)
However difficult our life might be, both of us will overcome it.(これからも、どんな困難があろうと、2人で乗り越えていきたいと思います。)
I am happy to be with you.(私はあなたと一緒にいられて幸せです。)
思い出す:to recall, to remember
思い出で:memories, recollections, reminiscence
思い出の記:one's memories, keepsake
思いで話:reminiscent talk
思い出深い:profoundly memorable
思い出し笑い:laughing while reminiscing
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