03 4月 2013


Soooo tired!
¡Tengo muchos sueños y quiero dormir como piedra! この分よ!

ホセさんとCafecitoというレストランで食べながらたくさん話したりホセの生活のストーリーを聞きたりした。後でlincoln parkに帰ないといけないから、地下鉄🚇に乗ってもっと話した。xD まあ、来週も会うつもりけど、そんな時にグループとビールを飲むつもり。Basically, I saying that I hung out with Jose at Cafecito and while we ate, we talked and i listened to his life stories. After that, because I had to return to Lincoln Park (campus; for night class), we rode the subway and talked some more. Then about planning to meet next week but that time to plan on drinking with a group.

Things are more fun when you have more people in a group to hang out with. I like the 1 on 1 moments too. ^^

Looking forward to going to GTS diner friday. Thursday is my more relaxing day, but i spend all day (most of the day) studying.

Clases hoy fue mas o menos. Era mas feliz cuando estaba con amistades, y hablando con la profesora sobre las condiciones de mujeres en trabajo on japón.

I tried very hard to ignore my personal feelings. The subject came up only once, but I diverted the subject really quickly. Por lo menos traté...

Lo que ví en clase hoy:

Forever's Not So Long from garrettmurray on Vimeo.

And something that made me wonder but I would rather not think about... :

Explanation from Wong Fu: "This is a video we made for our friends Eddie and Sarah who recently got married this summer! They have a great story.
Eddie lived in LA, Sarah lived in Taipei. For 5 years they had to deal with this distance in their relationship, always having to fly back and forth. Finally, the two are Together At Last."

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