14 4月 2013


Random stuff





I'm a very weak person. I have a lot of weaknesses;
physically I'm not strong, I have doubts, sometimes I don't have confidence,
I get hurt, other times I don't feel pretty.
At times I feel like crying but want no one to know about it.

But I think that's normal.

we all have our weaknesses.

We all cry and feel alone. It's what makes us people.
But it balances out when we have other people around us.
To share moments, events, to go to places with, to cry with, to laugh with.
We all want the same thing;
to love and be loved.

So I think my weaknesses is also what makes me ....me.
To know strength is to know weakness.

I know I'm weak,

but when I set my mind to something...I don't give up.
You can tell me all the secrets you've kept within yourself,
....and all the fears you have never thought about telling someone,
and I will tell no one. I'm very trustworthy.
If you need my help, because you need a ride home, encouragement, advice,
help with work, come up with ideas, be blunt with you whether or not
that outfit looks good on you,
or because you need someone to listen to you;
.....I'll help you.

Yes, I'm weak. But I'm strong too.
I think being with the people I love and who love me gives me strength.

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