13 4月 2013


    Watched The Host (movie) with a friend, and there were at LEAST 4 times when I cried. I can't count because there were a lot of good moments! :DDDD After the movie ended, my friend says:

friend: were you crying? cuz i heard you sniffing
me: yea!! it was a really good movie (i'm still a little teary cuz the ending was good). i'm sorry. i'm a crier. when it's a really good movie, with good emotional moments, i cry.
friend: so i guess you didn't read the book?
me: THERE'S A BOOK?!?!?!!!!
friend: YAA!!
me: what's the book like? is it different? what?
friend: well, it explained a bit more thoroughly but the movie was really accurate.
me: aah ok. that's good.

So....yea I had no idea that it was a book...
And definitely I would watch this movie again, and again, and again.
    It's also a good movie to watch with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Although, if I watch it again with a person that I like, I probably wouldn't be paying much attention to the movie at times. Either way, I can respect if they would want to really see the movie because they're really into it. But then at soon as it ends...

    Speaking of that, the other day I was going to say/post/think, "it's been a week...." but I got it. I GOT IT! And it was the first time in my life when I was crying because I was happy. (Maybe because I was in the crying mood because of the movie?) But it was the first time. I've never done that before. And I have never understood when people talked about "I'm crying because I'm happy". When I got home, I felt like dancing (which I did), and jumping up and down, and asking my ma for a hug!! I like....almost never hug her. XD

    So that was my day. I became very very happy from something so small. I became happy in florida but this time it wasn't because of an event or a day. Just something small. And simple. ^^

    Once I settled at home, after organizing and cleaning some things, I laid on my bed and just kept thinking good/happy thoughts while I stared at the ceiling. At some point I just closed my eyes so I can imagine it better. So I can picture it better. And then I went off into my imagination and my memories and was just enjoying it. ^^

    I heard part of this song at the end of the movie and I really liked it so I wanted to share with you.

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