30 11月 2013

Final school week


     Found a job offer in school but its for a club. . . . and I would have to persuade people to come to the club as well as promote their energy drink. So the money depends on how many people you get in the club and how many drinks are sold. :/ Not really my thing. . .

     Last night stayed up until 3am-ish writing something for japanese class. Because I didn't know what to write about and also i woke up around 8am? (and still felt really tired), ate breakfast while talking with the mom, talked with BF (was really happy and surprised to get a call! :0-----> :D ), talked to the mom again for a little bit, and went back to sleep. My nap was. . . . 2.5 hours! ⓪_⓪ Even after my nap I was really tired and dizzy. フラフラで歩いてた。What is happening to me?>__<

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