around 10pm
So I'll write in English just because it's something that upsets me quite a lot. I had made plans with a friend a week in advanced for today (Wednesday), and had to cancel because of studying. When I asked them what were they gonna do today, they mentioned some errands and then hang out with this one person, but that is a maybe.
I got upset because while I had already gotten out of my way to hang out with this person let alone ask them, this person was already making plans even though we already made plans and then figured to "fit me into their schedule". I feel like I'm being tossed aside. I thought we were closer friends than that, but I guess not. I was hurt because this person wasn't being honest with me and didn't tell me.

This person has never made any attempts to hang out with me from their own accord nor talk, so I feel like they don't know how to keep a friendship. I have always been the one to invite them to things. But if it wasn't for me who invited this person to one of my work events, these two would never had met in the first place. This person doesn't even say thank you for that.
I don't care about their sexual tendencies and constant contradictions, and it's not my issue to deal with. But they weren't thoughtful of my feelings at all. If I had not asked what they were doing for the day, I would have never known. And to me this feels dishonest. I'm not saying you need to tell me every little detail of your life, but some communication would be nice.
I've had this friend meet all of my friends and the close family that I have here, yet I have never met their friends or family. If it wasn't for the things that have happened in my life so far, what would we have to talk about?
So I realized that our friendship is not the same anymore. This person isn't a friend. They are more like an acquaintance now. It hurts, but this has happened to me before (where a close friendship turned into 2 acquaintances), so it will take a lot less time to get over.
I will give them one last chance, but out of their own accord. Regardless of that, our friendship has already changed and will not go back to what it was.
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