It hurts to smile and talk.
So I stay quiet today.
Have work to do, but always manage to find a few minutes throughout the day to answer emails, txt, write here, keep looking more detailedly at masters programs, etc. I found a good school for entertainment business but generally It didn't interest me as much as when I was looking at international studies programs or asian studies programs, or a joint of those two..
And searching for books (needed for classes). Such a pain in the ass....
My proposal:
teachers already have the books right?
so teachers just scan what we need to read (ahead of time, of course),
teacher gives scanned copies to students
students read scanned copies. :D :D :D
This way, I'm not wasting my money on a book I KNOW I won't keep, and teachers don't worry about students not reading because they don't have the book to begin with. Everyone is happy. And no money wasted. :P
I'm not rude. I'm just asking what is the reason for a student to go buy a book (or rent if that choice is there), to then attempt to sell it back? I'm certain not everyone wants to keep all the books they had to read for school...
I choose to read "A Tale For The Time Being" by Ruth Ozeki for my political science class. I have the audio because the physical copy has a wait list... But extremely interesting! I want to listen to it all day long. I've considered buying the book at some point too. :P cuz it would be great to read again. The last time I read a really good book was: Brave Story by Miyuki Miyabe and The Story of Ibis by Hiroshi Yamamoto.
I like the part where it says,
" Time isn't something you can spread out like butter or jam. And death isn't going to be waiting around for you to finish what you are doing to zap you. " and
" Ok now. Why are you doing this? Like, what's the point? This is a problem. The only reason I can think of for writing Jiko's life story in this book is because I love her and want to remember her. But I'm not planning for sticking around for long. And I can't remember her stories if I'm dead right?!
And apart from me, who else would care? I mean, If i thought the world would want to know about old Jiko, I would post her stories on a blog. But actually I stopped doing that a while ago.
It made me sad when I caught myself pretending that everybody out there in cyberspace cared about what I thought when nobody really gave a shit. And when I multiplied that sad feeling by all the millions of people in their lonely little rooms, furiously writing and posting to their lonely little pages that nobody has time to read cuz' they're all so busy writing and posting, it kind of broke my heart. The fact is, I don't have much of a social network these days. " (45min.09sec.)
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